Moksha Foundation

Drug Rehab Center


Village Gharog,
P.O. Nehra, Tehsil & District
Shimla – 171011
Himachal Pradesh

Residential Rehabilitation

We expect all our employees to deliver the highest standards of treatment, care, intervention and education….

Quality & assurance

ROAR aspires to deliver the highest quality of care across our range of services for substance use disorder treatment in a secure facility….


All providers of health and specialist services, education and social care have a strong responsibility to strive for excellence in the….


To simply call ROAR a rehabilitation centre really doesn’t do it justice. It presents itself like a retreat located in midst of greenery….

CALL NOW: 80910 24373, 98058 24373

What Is Detox?

The first, and most critical step in overcoming substance addiction is the detoxification process. Detoxication, or detox, is the first step to becoming sober and is a critical element of recovery in our Orange County detox facility. Detox is not a form of rehab itself but is very important as the initial phase in any client’s treatment plan. It is the period when all forms of drug or alcohol consumption stop, and the body rids itself of these substances.
During this time, an individual will likely experience withdrawal symptoms, which may include mild to severe physical and psychological effects. For some “users” detox can be a serious and dangerous period, which is why it is important to control the withdrawal process. Only experienced professionals monitor and assist with detoxication in a safe and well-equipped environment. It is important to understand that the detox process alone will not be enough to stop long term substance abuse.
Medically-assisted detox is only the first step toward long term recovery. Many “users” have attempted to quit using on their own and been driven back to substance abuse by the withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms are unpleasant and can even be painful, but they signal the beginning of a healthier and happier life on the other side of substance abuse. The trained staff at our Orange County detox facility can assist you in managing the symptoms of withdrawal and provide effective coping mechanisms to minimize the amount of pain and discomfort you feel.

What To Expect During The Detox Process.

Once you make the important decision to fight against your substance addiction and call our trained staff, the intake process begins. During your initial call, our compassionate staff will discuss your situation and determine how best to proceed with your treatment. After the screening process and once the decision is made to bring the client into our Costa Mesa detox center, the medical team will complete an exam to determine and predict what might be needed during the detox process. This can include blood work, review of the client’s medical history and other tests to check their physical and mental health. The team will also provide for any needed detox support, which may include the use of medication to manage and ease withdrawal symptoms.
Sometimes an individual will need more assistance through the detox process. When an individual stops using drugs or alcohol, their body (and mind) will go through a withdrawal process – a period when the body reacts to the removal of the substance/s that it has become accustomed or adapted to. Simply put, the body has become dependent on the substance. In general, when a person has become dependent (needs to use in order to feel “normal”), chances are pretty good that detoxication is needed. Assisted detox is a process where a trained team oversees a person’s detox in a licensed facility, administers appropriate medication and provides 24-hour monitoring of the individual.
The withdrawal symptoms of detox can last for days or weeks, depending on the substance involved, and can be dangerous or even life-threatening. Assisted detoxication is always advised if an individual’s safety may be in question during the detox period. This can be determined by doing a thorough medical history and examination. Detox is also recommended if the symptoms of withdrawal are so severe that a person is driven to keep using to alleviate the pain or severity of withdrawal symptoms.